Help us fill 300 backpacks full of supplies for our August 3
Back-to-School Bash!

"It's more than giving backpacks. It's bringing the hope and salvation that is in Christ." - Pastor Alex Ortiz

Your donations make the Back-to-School Bash possible. On August 3rd, we will host hundreds of families from our community who we can love and serve. We won't only have snacks, games, and school supplies, we will have volunteers ready to listen and pray with families. One family who came last year  recently reached out to Avalon for support during a grieving moment in their life. When they had no where else to turn, they remembered a church that loved them. Because of this event, that family came to know Jesus!
This is more than backpacks, this is an opportunity to love others.


You can drop your supplies off to our donation bins at church, or if you would like to drop your supplies off to the church office, please visit us Monday-Thursdays from 10-3 PM at our West Campus Building at 1500 Lower Huntington Road.