We take Jesus' words to heart when He tells us that whatever we do for those in need -
by giving food, or clothes, or our time - we do for Him (Matthew 25:35-40).
The Avalon Food Pantry exists to support people in our church and our surrounding community who find themselves in need or crisis. In doing so, we gain the privilege of sharing with them the love of Christ through thought, word, and action.
by giving food, or clothes, or our time - we do for Him (Matthew 25:35-40).
The Avalon Food Pantry exists to support people in our church and our surrounding community who find themselves in need or crisis. In doing so, we gain the privilege of sharing with them the love of Christ through thought, word, and action.
Serving every Thursday from 6:00-7:00pm
Located at 1500 Lower Huntington Rd. Fort Wayne, IN 46819
Here's how you can help today!
Here is a quick, easy way to serve the food pantry: go shopping!
We are currently collecting CANNED CHICKEN. You can buy this item and return it to our food pantry bin in the lobby any Sunday during our 9:00 and 10:30AM services. You can also drop them off during the week to our church offices at 1500 Lower Huntington Road between 10-3 PM every Monday - Thursday.
We are currently collecting CANNED CHICKEN. You can buy this item and return it to our food pantry bin in the lobby any Sunday during our 9:00 and 10:30AM services. You can also drop them off during the week to our church offices at 1500 Lower Huntington Road between 10-3 PM every Monday - Thursday.
Interested in Serving?
Join us each Thursday as we serve more than 130 families each week - providing food for those in times of need and/or crisis. Our morning team gets the food from Community Harvest, stocks the supply rooms, and prepares bags to be given away. Our evening team welcomes our guests and distributes the food.